Healthcare Innovation & Strategy | Service Design | Industrial Design


About me:

I am a graduate from the Royal College of Art and have studied Behavioural Economics at the London Business School.

In over thirteen years as a Designer and Entrepreneur, I've made meaningful contributions to MedTech, HealthTech, and IoT startups across the globe. My design ethos emphasises inclusivity and human-centric technology. Prototyping and testing are the foundational elements of my design practice.

My entrepreneurial journey provided me with invaluable insights and hands-on experience in diverse business facets.

Receiving the prestigious Red Dot Design Award highlights my efforts in the field of universal design. Among my other significant designs is LECHAL, the world's first haptic footwear, a unique solution that aids navigation for the visually impaired. My designs have been recognised on various platforms, including the Singapore Design Museum and publications such as Design Today and Kyoorius. I've also had the privilege to share my insights at events like the CII-NID Design Summit, India's first conference on Universal Design, and the ICT's Summit for People with Different Abilities.

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Contact : [email protected]